Well, this girl Skylar, told her that it was only her second week, and that she "shouldn't be talking about anybody if I were you" and then had the gall to tell Trudy that she's gonna get jumped!. Whoa!! That opened up a whole can of worms and everyone... everyone came to the defense of Trudy. Trudy kept her composure and answered soo smooth. I LOVE my niece! She's alot more mature than I thought!
Anyways - come to find out, someone had hacked into Skylars FB account, because her mom came in on the convo and vouched for her daughter.
- Carrie Beals and 5 others like this.
Trudyy Mariie Farrar MHM! She wont even let us talk on the bus! she's a bad word i'm not going to say
Friday at 5:38pm ·
Skylarr Satterfieldd it's your second day, i wouldn't be talkin' bout nobody if i were you.
Friday at 5:39pm ·
Skylarr Satterfieldd Haha , your gonna get jumped next week, and i'ma be WEAKK. !
Friday at 5:41pm ·
Trudyy Mariie Farrar Kaitlyn, meany head(:
Skylar, see that's you. You always say i start crap. it's you. goshh. stop talking to me.
Friday at 5:42pm ·
Skylarr Satterfieldd I mean, I'm just givin' you a heads up.
Because , it's gonna happen.
That's why you should've just stayed at ec.
People in the highschool are talkin' bout you,
& you don't even go there.!
Friday at 5:46pm ·
Trudyy Mariie Farrar Welp, that's there problem , not mine. I'm not going to get jumped. thanks. bye.
Friday at 5:47pm ·
Trudyy Mariie Farrar Ok. by who?
Yeah. you wont tell me. and if i do i have people. and i'm positive Lexii will help.
Friday at 5:49pm ·
Trudyy Mariie Farrar Ha. ok. and well . that's just starting drama. i don't care.
Friday at 5:50pm ·
Daisy Reynolds Radzick Trudy, if u and this girl don't get along and she just torments u then y don't u delete her? I would.
Friday at 5:52pm ·
Trudyy Mariie Farrar Ha. ok . whatever. dang, i don't care. i don't even fight . kay? kay. I actually go to shurch and i don't want to sin anymore then i already have . thanks
Friday at 5:52pm ·
Courtney Mae trudy is not gonna get jumped, everybody loved her a ec. and you are just gonna start crap saying she is gonna get jumped, she is just talking about a stupid bus driver whoopty doo not a big deal (:
i love you tryudy ♥ (:
Friday at 5:52pm · · 1 person
Skylarr Satterfieldd Everybody loved her in EC. Not in PQ. She doesn't fit in.
At all. Like forreaaalll.
Friday at 5:53pm ·
Courtney Mae acually she does, i dont know what your talking about . i hear like GOD things from everybody about her. what do you know,. you jjust started going there .
Friday at 5:54pm · · 1 person
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