Sep 18th, 2004
Well, I was hoping this day wouldn't come. Last month Amanda (big) made the decision of moving out down to Florida to her Moms'. Everyone's going to be in such a mess today. ... ...She's moving because there's barely any room for her and the baby, and the swing, and the crib, and all the other things that come with a baby. I'm just really going to miss her so much. She's one of those people who distance themselves because they've been hurt too many times. I guess that's the reason why I find myself caring about her alot. Anyways I hope everything goes good down in Fla for her. I don't know if she realizes that it's going to be a rough few months after the baby's born. I mean there's a helluva lot more people to help her out here.....and there's just her Mom and John to helps her out down there. But I do know one thing for sure......that she'll make a great & wonderful Mom.....and who knows !........maybe this baby will be the best thing that's happended to her.