Nov 28th, 2003
Becky had a 4lb 6oz baby girl on Nov 4th . Her names’ Britoria (sic)….or “Bri”….I just have my own lil nickname for her….”sweet-ums".
She is such a beautiful baby…..everyone around the house has gotten really attached to her, especially both Amandas….which has really shocked me….Big Amanda seems to hold her every moment she gets…..that’s has been the last thing I’d have expected !.....Everyone was over Jims & Beckys the other night (turkey day) and big Amanda was going home and decided to bring the baby home with her….and I came home just a few minutes later finding no one else home but Amanda sitting on the couch in the dark holding the baby (“sweet-ums”)….WOW !!...I guess that maternal instinct has kicked into high gear !! LOL (I think it’s wonderful)
And lil Amanda has been into playing her part of babysitter/mommy…..they both really have been wonderful.
Sam has been up her every other weekend…she’s been so great helping out the family and with the baby. I hope that her and Bobby last a long time….she’s really good for him.
Now for the sad news. Reanee called last night informing me that Grandma isn’t doing good healthwise at all and that she might not make it thru the week……She seemed fine when I talked to her last month while she had been in the hospital for pneumonia. She had asked me when I was coming down and I had told her I was going to make plans next month (Nov-Dec visit) and I’d bring the kids…..and that’s where she was thinking more along the lines of a longer stay without the kids…I kinda thought it strange her not wanting to see Amanda and Kenny but I think she didn’t want the kids seeing her in poor health…..I’m flying down next week on the 3rd and returning on the 19th (Vicky isn’t too happy) Jim was being a great guy charging the tickets on his Visa. I owe him a lot….the tickets were only $ 213 !